Monday, February 8, 2010

Yet another new chapter

College is starting again.
A new chapter, a new semester.
First time returning 2 college after the last exam.
The first time I actually feel the fear of going back.
Last exam was terrible.
In fact, I think the fear actually caused by new semester=results soon.
Damn scary.
This year I might be losing more than tyres.


Where actually does pressure comes from???
Within oneself?
I do wonder.

U used to tell me tat I actually worry too much and deliberately following instructions given.
U say I should voice out when feel unwilling but I dun dare.
I used to tell u tat discussion is important.
But I failed.

I failed to voice unwillingness.
I failed to accept the reasons given.
I failed to accept changes.
I failed to cope with time.

Hope that this new sem will be better for the sake of myself.
Need to keep mind open b4 jeopardizing my own future.